[Main Theme: Peace with Education]
23rd - 25th June, 2014 – Istanbul
Oncu Egitimciler International Teachers and Leading Educators Association; is bringing teachers and educators in Turkey and neighboring countries together in the international educational summit titled "Eğitim'le Barış: Peace with Education" that contains conferences, workshops, atelier works and symposiums.
"1st International Leading Teachers Summit" is planned to be carried out in different countries each year. It aims and believes that educators should take the initiative for the establishment of lasting peace in Turkey and neighboring countries.
1st International Leading Teachers Summit, also being the first one in the field will make a significant contribution to the persistence of Turkey's peace process with the participation of educators from neighboring countries.
The programme that is supported by TİKA (Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency) will start on 23 of June and will end on the 26 of June.
After the opening speech and speeches of some protocol members, 1st International Leading Teachers Summit will continue with the speech of Prof. Dr. Aytaç AÇIKALIN titled "Barışa / Huzura Giden İnce ve Uzun Yol (Long Thin Road to the Peace)". After a conference the first day of the program will be completed with presentations of "Country Education Reports" of the educators from twelve countries.
On the second day of Leading Teachers Summit, workshops titled "Obstacles to Peace and Education Factor" and atelier works titled "Educational Activities for Different Cultural Communities " will be held. In the atelier works eight different practices will be shared by the teachers from different countries.
The openning of the workshops will be carried out with the conference titled "Seeking Peace with the Modern School" of Selahattin TURAN, the Dean of Education Faculty of Eskişehir Osmangazi University which is one of the partners of Oncu Egitimciler Association. In the worksop, four topics will be discussed, these are Objectives of Social Peace Oriented Education and School, Multicultural Education, Social Peace and Curriculum, School Books and the Language of Peace and the final report will be prepared and shared with the public.
On the third day of The International Leading Teachers Summit, the symposium titled "The ¨Contribution of Education and Educators in Building and Maintaining Peace" will be held. Symposium will start with the opening panel directed by Ibrahim Hakan KARATAŞ, one of the advisors of Oncu Egitimciler association, and it will continue with twenty-four reports that will be presented at parallel sessions.
124 educators, 52 of whom being from the abroad will participate in the Summit. During the Summit, two conferences, a panel, four workshops, eight trainings workshops and twenty-four presentations will be carried out.
Teachers and educators are able to participate in the whole programme except workshops. Those who want to attend the programme should apply from the address www.oncuegitimciler.org.tr Summit Participation is free and a certificate will be given to the participants.
1st International Summit of Leading Teachers’ program and posters are available on our website.